Zavlahový automat

Moderátori: psichac, Moderátori

Pokročilý člen
Pokročilý člen
Príspevky: 645
Dátum registrácie: 05 Nov 2009, 00:00
Bydlisko: Bratislavský kraj

Zavlahový automat

Príspevok od používateľa bibibo » 14 Feb 2013, 12:17

Robím si závlahový automat a zastavil som sa na tom najdôležitejšom a to nastavenie automatickej závlahy. Nastavenie hodín som ako tak zvládol, ale teraz by som potreboval nakopnúť. Idea je taká, že automat bude mať 8 okruhov a každý okruh bude mať možnosť nastaviť 4 rôzne štartovacie časy. Dĺžka závlahy by sa dala nastaviť napríklad na 2 hodiny. Ďalej by tam boli tri rôzne programy napr. A, B a C to znamená, že v každom programe môžu byť tie okruhy inak nastavené. Problém je v tom, že neviem ako alebo do čoho ukladať tie nastavené hodnoty.

predstavujem si to takto:

automatA1 - nejaká premenná programu A a okruhu 1 a tá obsahuje tieto údaje:

13:00 - štartovací čas 1.
00:30 - dĺžka závlahy 1.
14:00 - štartovací čas 2.
00:15 - dĺžka závlahy 2.
15:00 - štartovací čas 3.
00:30 - dĺžka závlahy 3.
17:00 - štartovací čas 4.
00:30 - dĺžka závlahy 4.
P - závlaha v pondelok
U - závlaha v utorok
N - závlaha v nedelu

a ďalšia premenná automatA2 - premenná programu A a okruhu 2 atď.

Pomôže niekto ?

Tu je pre istotu môj nedokončený program:

Kód: Vybrať všetko

$regfile = "m32def.dat"
$crystal = 8000000
$hwstack = 40
$swstack = 16
$framesize = 32
$lib "glcdKS108.lbx"
$lib "mcsbyte.lbx"

Config Graphlcd = 128 * 64sed , Dataport = Portc , Controlport = Portd , Ce = 2 , Ce2 = 3 , Cd = 4 , Rd = 5 , Reset = 7 , Enable = 6

Config Scl = Portb.0
Config Sda = Portb.1
Config I2cdelay = 5

Dim Year As Byte
Dim Month As Byte
Dim Day As Byte
Dim Weekday As Byte
Dim Hours As Byte
Dim Minutes As Byte
Dim Seconds As Byte
Dim S_hours As String * 2
Dim S_year As String * 3
Dim S_minutes As String * 2
Dim S_seconds As String * 2
Dim Read_time As Bit

Dim Hours_sett As Byte
Dim Minutes_sett As Byte
Dim Seconds_sett As Byte
Dim Weekday_sett As Byte

Dim Hodiny As Byte
Dim Minuty As Byte
Dim S_hodiny As String * 2
Dim S_minuty As String * 2
Dim Dnivtyzdni As Byte

Dim A As Byte
Dim Back As Integer

Dim Mainmenu(4) As String * 13
Dim Settmenu(4) As String * 15
Dim Dni(7) As String * 8
Dim Inverse As Byte
Dim Main_selec As Byte
Dim Sett_selec As Byte
Dim Sett_automat As Byte
Dim Sett_hod As Byte

Dim Program(3) As String * 1
Dim Sett_program As Byte
Dim Starttime(4) As Byte
Dim Okruh_sett(8) As Byte
Dim Okruh As Byte

Declare Sub Identification

Config Pina.0 = Input : Pina.0 = 1
Config Pina.3 = Input : Pina.3 = 1
Config Pina.4 = Input : Pina.4 = 1

Up_tl Alias Pina.3
Down_tl Alias Pina.0
Go_tl Alias Pina.4

Config Debounce = 30

Read_time = 0
Inverse = 0

Program(1) = "A"
Program(2) = "B"
Program(3) = "C"

Okruh_sett(1) = 1
Okruh_sett(2) = 2
Okruh_sett(3) = 3
Okruh_sett(4) = 4
Okruh_sett(5) = 5
Okruh_sett(6) = 6
Okruh_sett(7) = 7
Okruh_sett(8) = 8

Mainmenu(1) = "Nastavenie"
Mainmenu(2) = "Ovladanie"
Mainmenu(3) = "Identifikacia"
Mainmenu(4) = "Exit"

Settmenu(1) = "Hodiny/den"
Settmenu(2) = "Automat/zavlaha"
Settmenu(3) = "Snimac"
Settmenu(4) = "Exit"

Dni(1) = "Pondelok"
Dni(2) = "Utorok  "
Dni(3) = "Streda  "
Dni(4) = "Stvrtok "
Dni(5) = "Piatok  "
Dni(6) = "Sobota  "
Dni(7) = "Nedela  "

Config Timer1 = Timer , Prescale = 8

On Timer1 Readtime
Enable Interrupts
Enable Timer1

Start Timer1

Back = 0
Main_selec = 1



   If Read_time = 1 Then
   Read_time = 0
   Setfont Font16x16
   Lcdat 1 , 50 , S_hours ; ":" ; S_minutes
   Setfont My6_8
   Lcdat 7 , 1 , " 1  2  3  4  5  6  7"

   Select Case Weekday
      Case 1 : Lcdat 8 , 7 , "-" , 0 : Lcdat 8 , 115 , " " , 0
      Case 2 : Lcdat 8 , 25 , "-" , 0 : Lcdat 8 , 7 , " " , 0
      Case 3 : Lcdat 8 , 43 , "-" , 0 : Lcdat 8 , 25 , " " , 0
      Case 4 : Lcdat 8 , 61 , "-" , 0 : Lcdat 8 , 43 , " " , 0
      Case 5 : Lcdat 8 , 79 , "-" , 0 : Lcdat 8 , 61 , " " , 0
      Case 6 : Lcdat 8 , 97 , "-" , 0 : Lcdat 8 , 79 , " " , 0
      Case 7 : Lcdat 8 , 115 , "-" , 0 : Lcdat 8 , 97 , " " , 0
   End Select

   Showpic 6 , 39 , Triska
   Showpic 24 , 39 , Triska
   Debounce Go_tl , 0 , Main_menu
   End If

'--------------------------------Hlavne menu------------------------------------



   Setfont Font8x8

   Lcdat 1 , 1 , " -Hlavne menu-" , 0

   If Main_selec = 1 Then
   Inverse = 1
   End If
   Lcdat 3 , 1 , Mainmenu(1) , Inverse
   Inverse = 0

   If Main_selec = 2 Then
   Inverse = 1
   End If
   Lcdat 4 , 1 , Mainmenu(2) , Inverse
   Inverse = 0

   If Main_selec = 3 Then
   Inverse = 1
   End If
   Lcdat 5 , 1 , Mainmenu(3) , Inverse
   Inverse = 0

   If Main_selec = 4 Then
   Inverse = 1
   End If
   Lcdat 6 , 1 , Mainmenu(4) , Inverse
   Inverse = 0

   Debounce Up_tl , 0 , Inc_main , Sub
   Debounce Down_tl , 0 , Dec_main , Sub
   Debounce Go_tl , 0 , Go_main , Sub

   Incr Back

   If Back = 1000 Then
      Goto Start_menu
   End If



    Back = 0
    If Main_selec <= 3 Then
    Main_selec = Main_selec + 1
    End If



    Back = 0
    If Main_selec >= 2 Then
    Main_selec = Main_selec - 1
    End If



    Back = 0
    If Main_selec = 1 Then
    Gosub Setting_menu
    End If

    If Main_selec = 2 Then
    'Call xxx_sub
    End If

    If Main_selec = 3 Then
    Call Identification
    End If

    If Main_selec = 4 Then
    Goto Start_menu
    End If

Sub Identification:

    Lcdat 1 , 1 , "-Identifikacia-" , 0
    Lcdat 4 , 1 , " Automat-808/1  " , 0
    Lcdat 6 , 1 , "  S/N: 130105  " , 0
    Wait 5

End Sub
'-------------------------------Menu nastavenie---------------------------------



Sett_selec = 1


   Setfont Font8x8
   Lcdat 1 , 1 , "  -Nastavenie-" , 0

   If Sett_selec = 1 Then
   Inverse = 1
   End If
   Lcdat 3 , 1 , Settmenu(1) , Inverse
   Inverse = 0

   If Sett_selec = 2 Then
   Inverse = 1
   End If
   Lcdat 4 , 1 , Settmenu(2) , Inverse
   Inverse = 0

   If Sett_selec = 3 Then
   Inverse = 1
   End If
   Lcdat 5 , 1 , Settmenu(3) , Inverse
   Inverse = 0

   If Sett_selec = 4 Then
   Inverse = 1
   End If
   Lcdat 6 , 1 , Settmenu(4) , Inverse
   Inverse = 0

   Debounce Up_tl , 0 , Inc_sett , Sub
   Debounce Down_tl , 0 , Dec_sett , Sub
   Debounce Go_tl , 0 , Go_sett , Sub

   Incr Back

   If Back = 1000 Then
      Goto Start_menu
   End If




    Back = 0
    If Sett_selec <= 3 Then
    Sett_selec = Sett_selec + 1
    End If



    Back = 0
    If Sett_selec >= 2 Then
    Sett_selec = Sett_selec - 1
    End If



    Back = 0
    If Sett_selec = 1 Then
    Gosub Sett_time
    End If

    If Sett_selec = 2 Then
    Goto Automat
    End If

    If Sett_selec = 3 Then
    Call Identification
    End If

    If Sett_selec = 4 Then
    Goto Main_menu
    End If


'-------------------------------Nastavenie hodin--------------------------------


Sett_hod = 1


S_hodiny = S_hours
S_minuty = S_minutes
Dnivtyzdni = Weekday


   Setfont Font8x8
   Lcdat 1 , 1 , "  -Hodiny/dni-" , 0

   If Sett_hod = 1 Then
   Inverse = 1
   End If
   Lcdat 3 , 44 , S_hodiny , Inverse
   Inverse = 0

   Lcdat 3 , 60 , ":" , 0

   If Sett_hod = 2 Then
   Inverse = 1
   End If
   Lcdat 3 , 68 , S_minuty , Inverse
   Inverse = 0

   If Sett_hod = 3 Then
   Inverse = 1
   End If
   Lcdat 5 , 44 , Dni(dnivtyzdni) , Inverse
   Inverse = 0

   If Sett_hod = 4 Then
   Inverse = 1
   End If
   Lcdat 8 , 1 , "Zrusit" , Inverse
   Inverse = 0

   If Sett_hod = 5 Then
   Inverse = 1
   End If
   Lcdat 8 , 81 , "Ulozit" , Inverse
   Inverse = 0

   Hodiny = Val(s_hodiny)
   Minuty = Val(s_minuty)

   Debounce Up_tl , 0 , Inc_time , Sub
   Debounce Down_tl , 0 , Dec_time , Sub
   Debounce Go_tl , 0 , Go_time , Sub



   If Sett_hod <= 4 Then
    Sett_hod = Sett_hod + 1
   End If



    If Sett_hod >= 2 Then
      Sett_hod = Sett_hod - 1
    End If



    If Sett_hod = 1 Then
    Hodiny = Hodiny + 1
      If Hodiny = 24 Then
      Hodiny = 0
      End If
    End If

   S_hodiny = Str(hodiny)
   S_hodiny = Format(s_hodiny , "00")

   If Sett_hod = 2 Then
    Minuty = Minuty + 1
      If Minuty = 60 Then
      Minuty = 0
      End If
    End If

   S_minuty = Str(minuty)
   S_minuty = Format(s_minuty , "00")

   If Sett_hod = 3 Then
   Dnivtyzdni = Dnivtyzdni + 1
      If Dnivtyzdni = 8 Then
      Dnivtyzdni = 1
      End If
    End If

    If Sett_hod = 4 Then
    Goto Setting_menu
    End If

    If Sett_hod = 5 Then
    Goto Writetime
    End If


'-------------------------------Citanie hodin=----------------------------------

   I2cwbyte &B11010000
   I2cwbyte 0
   'Waitms 50
   I2cwbyte &B11010001
   I2crbyte Seconds , Ack
   I2crbyte Minutes , Ack
   I2crbyte Hours , Ack
   I2crbyte Weekday , Ack
   I2crbyte Day , Ack
   I2crbyte Month , Ack
   I2crbyte Year , Nack
   Seconds = Makedec(seconds)
   Minutes = Makedec(minutes)
   Hours = Makedec(hours)
   Weekday = Makedec(weekday)
   Day = Makedec(day)
   Month = Makedec(month)
   Year = Makedec(year)
   S_hours = Str(hours)
   S_hours = Format(s_hours , "00")
   S_year = Str(year)
   S_year = Format(s_year , "000")
   S_minutes = Str(minutes)
   S_minutes = Format(s_minutes , "00")
   S_seconds = Str(seconds)
   S_seconds = Format(s_seconds , "00")
   Read_time = 1


'-------------------------------Zapis hodin=----------------------------------

  Seconds_sett = Makebcd(0) : Minutes_sett = Makebcd(minuty) : Hours_sett = Makebcd(hodiny) : Weekday_sett = Makebcd(dnivtyzdni)
  I2cwbyte &B11010000
  I2cwbyte 0
  I2cwbyte Seconds_sett
  I2cwbyte Minutes_sett
  I2cwbyte Hours_sett
  I2cwbyte Weekday_sett


  Setfont Font8x8
  For A = 0 To 4
  Lcdat 4 , 24 , "Ukladam..." , 0
  Waitms 500
  Lcdat 4 , 24 , "          " , 0
  Waitms 500
  Next A
  Goto Setting_menu





Okruh = 1
Sett_automat = 1
Sett_program = 1

   Restore Data1

   Setfont Font8x8
   Lcdat 1 , 1 , " -Nast. automat-" , 0
   Setfont Font16x16
   If Sett_automat = 1 Then
   Inverse = 1
   End If
   Lcdat 3 , 1 , Program(sett_program) , Inverse
   Inverse = 0

   Lcdat 3 , 17 , "-" , 0

   If Sett_automat = 2 Then
   Inverse = 1
   End If
   Lcdat 3 , 33 , Okruh_sett(okruh) , Inverse
   Inverse = 0




$include "font8x8.font"
$include "my6_8.font"
$include "font16x16.font"
$include "my12_16.font"


$bgf "Triska.bgf"