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Digitronové hodiny

Napísané: 26 Júl 2020, 13:42
od používateľa seto
Mám postavené hodiny s Atmega 328.Tu je výpis programu.Pri kompilácii mi vypisuje toto.'class DS3232RTC' has no member named 'writeTime'; did you mean 'write'?
Vedeli by ste mi poradiť?
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
Nixie Tube Clock project: - 6 IN-12 Nixie tubes
- 6 74141 Driver chips
- 3 74HC595 Shift Registers
- 1 Arduino on the board

Blog about this project:

-------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#include <Wire.h> //include all the relevent libraries
#include <Time.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "DS3232RTC.h" // <- link to the library
#define data 2 //Define the shift register interface pins
#define clock 3
#define latch 4
#define bottom 5
#define middle 6
#define top 7
#define BLANK 10

byte fNumbers[11] = { //Binary for the numbers, when given to the first shift register in each pair - 11th number is a blank
B11110000 };

byte sNumbers[11] = { //Binary for the numbers, when given to the latter shift register in each pair - 11th number is a blank
B00001111 };

byte dNumbers[3] = { //Numbers to display - temporary storage for whatever numbers we are currently displaying, one byte per shift register
B00000000 };

void setup()
pinMode(data, 1); //Set up the data, clock, and latch pins as outputs
pinMode(clock, 1);
pinMode(latch, 1);
pinMode(top, 0); //Set up the buttons as inputs
pinMode(middle, 0);
pinMode(bottom, 0);
digitalWrite(top, 1); //Enable the internal pull-up resistors for the buttons (also inverts the logic)
digitalWrite(middle, 1);
digitalWrite(bottom, 1);

void loop()
tmElements_t time; //Create object time - which will hold the data from the DS3232; //Read the time from the DS3232 into the object 'time'
int a = (time.Hour / 10), //Set the first segment to the tens unit of the Hour variable eg. for 21 it would be 21/10 = 2
b = (time.Hour % 10), //Set the Second segment to the remainder when dividing the Hour by 10 eg. for 21 it would be 21/10 = 2 remainder 1, so it would be 1
c = (time.Minute / 10), //Above but for Minutes
d = (time.Minute % 10),
e = (time.Second / 10), //Above but for Seconds
f = (time.Second % 10);
displayNumber(a, b, c, d, e, f); //Display the numbers (custom subroutine)
delay(100); //Delay 1/10th of a Second
if(digitalRead(middle) == LOW) //If the middle button is pressed
while(digitalRead(middle) == LOW); //Wait for it to not be pressed
delay(100); //Delay to debounce
setTime(); //Set the time (custom subroutine)

void displayNumber(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f) //Used to display the numbers
dNumbers[0] = (sNumbers[a] | fNumbers); //Creates on 8 bit binary number of the first two digits - for the first shift register
dNumbers[1] = (sNumbers[c] | fNumbers[d]); //Above - but with the third and fourth digits - for the Second shift register
dNumbers[2] = (sNumbers[e] | fNumbers[f]); //Above - but with the fifth and sixth digits - for the third shift register
digitalWrite(latch, 0); //Hold the latch low while we're shifting out data
for(int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) //Shift everything out in reverse, because that's how they're daisychained/hooked up to the nixie drivers
shiftOut(data, clock, MSBFIRST, dNumbers);
digitalWrite(latch, 1); //Pull the latch high again

void setTime() //used to set the time
int timeToSet[3] = {0, 0, 0}; //array we will use as temporary storage
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) //for loop, runs 3 times, with j starting at 0 and ending at 2 - used to index the array
timeToSet[j] = 0; //Set the element we are changing to 0
while(digitalRead(middle) == HIGH) //Do this until the middle button is pressed
if(digitalRead(top) == LOW) //If the top button is pressed
while(digitalRead(top) == LOW); //Wait for it to stop being pressed
delay(200); //Delay to debounce
timeToSet[j]++; //Increment the value in the element we are currently setting
if ((j == 0) && (timeToSet[j] > 23)) timeToSet[j] = 0; //If we are altering the Hours, and it is greater than 23, set it to 0
if (timeToSet[j] > 59) timeToSet[j] = 0; //If we are not altering the Hours, and it is greater than 59, set it to 0
if(digitalRead(bottom) == LOW) //If the bottom button is pressed
while(digitalRead(bottom) == LOW); //Wait for it to stop being pressed
delay(200); //Delay to debounce
timeToSet[j]--; //Decrement the value in the element we are currently setting
if ((j == 0) && (timeToSet[j] < 0)) timeToSet[j] = 23; //If we are altering the Hours, and it is less than 0, set it to 23
if (timeToSet[j] < 0) timeToSet[j] = 59; //If we are not altering the Hours, and it is less than 0, set it to 59
switch (j) { //Case statement
case 0: //If j = 0
displayNumber(timeToSet[0] / 10, timeToSet[0] % 10, BLANK, BLANK, BLANK, BLANK); //Display the Hours we are setting - blank the rest
case 1: //If j = 1
displayNumber(timeToSet[0] / 10, timeToSet[0] % 10, timeToSet[1] / 10, timeToSet[1] % 10, BLANK, BLANK); //Display the Hours we have set, the Minutes we are setting - blank the Seconds
case 2: //If j = 2
displayNumber(timeToSet[0] / 10, timeToSet[0] % 10, timeToSet[1] / 10, timeToSet[1] % 10, timeToSet[j] / 10, timeToSet[j] % 10); //Display everything
default: //If j is something else (should never happen)
break; //Exit and cry.
while(digitalRead(middle) == LOW); //Wait for middle button (which must have been pressed to get here) to not be pressed
delay(200); //Delay to debounce
tmElements_t time; //Set the time to the settings we configured
time.Hour = timeToSet[0];
time.Minute = timeToSet[1];
time.Second = timeToSet[2];

Re: Digitronové hodiny

Napísané: 26 Júl 2020, 13:46
od používateľa pocitujlasku
ved ti to tam pise. Nepozna RTC.writeTime, a pyta sa, ci si nemyslel RTC.write co je celkom logicke, kedze na zaciatku mas

Re: Digitronové hodiny

Napísané: 26 Júl 2020, 14:19
od používateľa seto
Dobre ale čo s tým?

Re: Digitronové hodiny

Napísané: 26 Júl 2020, 15:01
od používateľa Mek
Skontroluj subor DS3232RTC.h
pochadza z tej kniznice, ktoru si pouzil. Je mozne, ze medzitym, ako bol publikovany ten projekt, bola vydana nejaka novsia verzia tej knzinice, ktora uz danu funkciu neobsahuje, a ty si si stiahol tuto novsiu verziu.
To je iba moja hypoteza...

Re: Digitronové hodiny

Napísané: 26 Júl 2020, 15:09
od používateľa seto
Díky skúsim.

Re: Digitronové hodiny

Napísané: 26 Júl 2020, 16:23
od používateľa seto
Keď zmažem posledný riadok RTC Write.Program ide skompilovať.Po napálení procesora hodiny svietia OK.
Idú nastavovať ,ale nedá sa zapísať nastavený čas.

Re: Digitronové hodiny

Napísané: 26 Júl 2020, 16:50
od používateľa deepspace
Podla vsetkeho mas staru kniznicu DS3232RTC.h, treba updatnut z

Re: Digitronové hodiny

Napísané: 26 Júl 2020, 17:50
od používateľa seto
Natiahol som novú knižnicu a nič .stále to isté:'class DS3232RTC' has no member named 'writeTime'; did you mean 'write'?

Re: Digitronové hodiny

Napísané: 26 Júl 2020, 18:10
od používateľa misocko
skusal si tam napisat toto :


Re: Digitronové hodiny

Napísané: 26 Júl 2020, 18:20
od používateľa seto
Napísal som to tam a beží to.